Top 10 Items to Derug
Ever wanted to derug a project. Make sure you can do the following.
Authority wallet transferred (Who actually owns this now?) - Probably the most important item.
Royalty wallet transferred (Usually who ever owns authority will have to put in a new wallet for this item) - Not as important as this can be changed with the authority wallet anyway.
Is there any token? If so you need to get control of the token supply and be prepared to replace this token entirely. Also, what about staking who owns the staking wallet and authority to the staking system to make changes. You will need that for sure.
Accounts associated market places such as Magic Eden will need to be transferred. If one of these owns the authority they will want that changed first.
Arweave or IPFS access to where art was uploaded if not done via the mint authority function. This is so we can change metadata, etc. in the future.
Original art images used for the mint (Any layers if they exist). Make sure the owner transfer the copyright, trademark and intellectual property rights to you.
Original json metadata files. This will just make life easier later if you have it.
Image Hash list (We can pull this from several places if you can't get it)
Discord access and Bots - Make sure you have the owner account and change everyone's priviledges quickly. Discord Bots transferred if possible to save money (e.g. metahelix, etc.). Also, remove any bots out of the discord server as they present a security risk. Set them up new.
Social media accounts. Make sure you take control of Twitter, instagram, etc. Its your brand in the end.
Last updated